Daniel Klimowski

How to install Bongo Cat mod on the Satisfaction75 r2


Getting started

The purpose of this guide is to install and enable the BongoCat animations for firmware on embedded OLED screens, such as Cannon Keys’ Satisfaction75 R2 keyboard.

You will need:

Step 1: Download the newest release of QMK Configurator

To install QMK Configurator on your PC: download the installer from QMK’s GitHub: https://github.com/qmk/qmk_toolbox/releases

Download the file labled “qmk_toolbox_install.exe” circled in red below image

Once the file has finished downloading: click on it to run the file downloaded file

Upon running the file you will be presented with this prompt. Select “Yes” prompt1

You will then be able to choose where to save the program. The default location will be fine, so select “Next” save

Next, select “Install” to install QMK Configurator install Once QMK Configurator has finished installing, close the application and proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Download the Satasfaction75 BongoCat firmware

To display the BongoCat mod on the Satasfaction75’s OLED you will need to flash the keyboard with a copy of the firmware which contains the mod

The modded firmware can be downloaded here. Click the download widjet to save a copy of the firmware. Remember where you save this file as you will need it later. something

Step 3: Flashing the keyboard

Ensure that your keyboard is unplugged unplugged

If your keyboard is assembled, you will need to remove the backplate to gain access to the PCB. There are eight (8) screws which must be unscrewed to remove the backplate screwlocations

Once you have access to the PCB, ensure the boot switch is in position “1” pcbunpluggedpos1

Plug in the keyboard exposedpcbpluggedin

Open QMK toolbox.

In the rightmost dropdown menu ensure that “ATmega32U4” is selected. Then click on the “Open” button to select a firmware file openfile

Select the.bin file which contains BongoCat mod then select “Open” bongocatfile

Once you’ve selected “cannonkeys_satisfaction75_rev1_Pedker.bin” click the “Flash” button clickflash

After flashing QMK will display the message “Flash complete” flashingdone

Return the switch on the PCB back to the 0 position switchtozero

Press the reset button pressbutton

Now that the keyboard is flashed: reassemble the keyboard

Step 3: Using VIA to enable BongoCat on OLED display

With the keyboard flashed, we just need to enable the BongoCat mod using a configurator. We can do this using VIA

Go to VIA’s website: https://usevia.app/ and click the “Authorize device” button at the bottom of the screen click

In the window that pops up select Satasfaction75, then click “connect” connectdevice

After allowing VIA to connect to the keyboard we can use it to alter the OLED display settings. Click on the “CUSTOM FEATURES” widget in the bottom left of the HUD. OLEDsettings

In custom features you can configure the settings of the Satasfaction75’s OLED screen. “Default OLED Mode” determines which mode will be displayed when the keyboard is turned on. Current OLED Mode determines which mode is currently displayed. There are three modes to choose from:

OLED Mode Display Description
Default default Displays BongoCat, clock and WPM (words per minute) tracker
Time time Displays a solitary centered BongoCat
Off off Displays default Satasfaction75 OLED hud

Changes to the settings will be applied automatically. Once you’ve changes settings as desired, feel free to close the browser.


You’ve now enabled BongoCat on your Satasfaction75! Enjoy! :3
